Flow- Office Space
O conceito de projecto permitiu que o ideal de organização de trabalho da empresa , que se baseia em mobilidade e sustentabilidade, pudesse co-existir com a própria arquitectura. A organização do espaço permite a abordagem a um conceito Open Space, que permite uma constante adaptação a forma de trabalhar e fases de desenvolvimento da empresa.
A pré-existência revelava-se com um espaço deficiente e rígido, contrário à vontade e dinamismo da empresa que agora se iria apropriar deste espaço.
Aplicou-se um desenvolvimento espacial através de um percurso em " W" que permitiu o desenvolvimento ao longo deste de diversas zonas de permanecia diferenciada. Todas as zonas comunicam entre si visualmente, existindo pequenas cabines em cortiça de isolamento do espaço
The concept allows the ideals that govern the company and, therefore, is based on mobility and self-sustainability. The organisation of the space allows the open space distribution to growth and redesign itself, given the growth factor of an technological enterprise as FLOW.
The Pre-existence reveals an obsolete spatial business organisation that does not value interaction but instead isolation. It was clear from the start the goal to reach an open minded industrialised environment.
It was noticed that FLOW is based on basic concepts such as mobility and detachment from the past through the thought revolution, in order to combat prejudices installed in this field of the market.
The architectural design intended to echo these ideals in place. The reconfiguring of the space and opting for a strong mobility concept factor, was in place through the arrangement of furniture and the minimum use of fixed elements.
The option was to apply a distribution logic through dynamism and movement, implementing a “W” shaped moment , responsible the growth of the space itself.
The common areas for work are, undoubtedly, those that required the most attention on our part, as the aim was to provide in this area collective work characteristics in order that the team feeling is maintained throughout the whole space. However never neglecting privacy and comfort of each user, creating 3 small isolations Boxes along the path.
All work areas communicate directly with each other and with the central social points such as living, leisure and rest areas.